WEEK 9 Lecture Series with Nexus


This day we had a lecture series with the Nexus. I learned a lot from the activities they prepared. It makes me think of the clearer idea and vision of tour start-up ideas. The first thing we did is doing the How Might We statement where we put all the questions and statements that we think are the problems or concerns of the customer.

After that, we select the best statement so that we can have a problem statement. Later on in the activity, I learned the various reason behind our statement problem through the activity where we need to provide the why with different levels. It’s nice since it makes the problem statement have a clear reason why is that the problem.

After that is we had some value preposition activity which I find very interesting since there is the customer value proposition and the creator proposition. So we did some activities which help us understand more our value proposition with our start-up ideas.


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